Title | Pages | |
A Formal Definition of Data Quality Problems Paulo Oliveira, Fátima Rodrigues, & Pedro Henriques | 14 |
A Data Quality Model for Asset Management in Engineering Organisations Andy Koronios, Shien Lin, & Jing Gao | 25 |
The Product Approach to Data Quality and Fitness for Use: A Framework for Analysis M. Pamela Neely | 15 |
The IQ Solution Cycle Frank Dravis | 12 |
The Data Quality Improvement Program is Yielding Dividends for HUD Beverly Hacker and Randy Bissett | 5 |
Measuring The Quality of Care Using Data From Hospital Information Systems: Issues about Data Quality Jonathan S. Einbinder, Vipul Kashyap, & Joel L. Vengco | 18 |
Reasons for Disregarding Information Quality Management in Nursing Information Systems Cathal Ó Riain and Markus Helfert | 12 |
Information Quality Cost Curves: Empirical Evidence from PTR / SCR Costing Anton Raneses and Michael Mielke | 12 |
Data Quality Issues in Integrated Enterprise Systems Diane M. Strong and Olga Volkoff | 7 |
The Application of Commercial Data Integration Technologies to Improve the Quality of Anonymous Entity Resolution in the Public Sector John Talburt, Charles Morgan, Terry Talley, & Ken Archer | 10 |
A Theory of Complementarity for Extracting Accurate Data from Inaccurate Sources through Integration Irit Askira Gelman | 15 |
Improving Information Quality Management Using Caldea and Evamecal Ismael Caballero, Angelica Caro, Mario Piattini, & Coral Calero | 15 |
An Introductory Analysis of the Automated Manifest System and the Global Transportation Network within the Joint Total Asset Visibility (JTAV) System Using the Defense Logistics Information Service Data Quality Plan Richard A. Hansen and Lt. Karen D. Cooper | 13 |
An Introductory Analysis of the Hazardous Materials Information Resource System: Establishing Baseline Measurements for Data Quality and Application of the TDQM Method Mary E. Faber (Author) and Kay Eggers (Briefer) | 16 |
Operations Quality of Data and Information Zbigniew J Gackowski | 20 |
Value-Driven Data Quality Assessment Adir Even and G. Shankaranarayanan | 15 |
Reproducible Measurement of Data Field Quality Marcus Gebauer, Peter Caspers, and Niels Weigel | 10 |
Finding High-Quality Web Pages Using Cohesiveness Joshua C.C. Pun and Frederick H. Lochovsky | 15 |
A Broker for Selecting and Provisioning High Quality Syndicated Data Danilo Ardagna, Cinzia Cappiello, Marco Comuzzi, Chiara Francalanci, & Barbara Pernici | 18 |
CSDQ: A User-Centered Approach to Improving the Quality of Customer Support Data Susan L. Keenan and Terri Simmons | 15 |
Quality-Aware Mining of Data Streams Conny Franke, Michael Hartung, Marcel Karnstedt, & Kai-Uwe Sattler | 16 |
Mining Network Logs: Information Quality Challenges James A. Pelletier and Tamraparni Dasu | 13 |
A Methodology for Establishing Information Quality Baselines for Complex, Distributed Systems Joseph Bugajski, Robert L. Grossman, Eric Sumner, & Tao Zhang | 13 |
Requirements of New Emerging Services in the Ubiquitous Networking Society Based on IQ Analysis Akihisa KODATE, Daiji HARIO, Hiroyuki KAWAGISHI, Yasuhiro TANAKA, Takashi BABA, Satoshi SEKI, & Ichiro NAKAJIMA | 16 |
IQ Principles in Software Development Michael Mielke | 12 |
How to make a start: DQ Health Check Nigel Totterdell MSc | 6 |
Master Data Management Roles - Their Part in Data Quality Implementation Alan Duff | 15 |
Master Data Management (MDM) enables IQ at Tetra Pak Patrick Bettschen | 16 |
Believability as an Information Quality Dimension Shekhar Pradhan | 9 |
Antecedents of the Quality of Online Customer Information Horst Treiblmaier | 11 |
Interorganizational Trust and Interorganizational System's Information Quality M.K.M. Ibrahim | 14 |
Assessing Information Quality of a Community-Based Encyclopedia Besiki Stvilia, Michael B. Twidale, Linda C. Smith, & Les Gasser | 13 |
Quality-Aware Integration and Warehousing of Genomic Data Laure Berti-Equille and Fouzia Moussouni | 15 |
Using a Process Approach to Monitoring Financial Data Quality Assessment and Improvement Donna Fletcher, Mary Ann Robbert, Kurda Mohamad, & Phillip Middleton | 12 |