> CDO Forum
Welcome to The 3rd Annual MIT Chief Data Officer Forum for Senior Executives. This forum recognizes the
growing criticality of the CDO's role in modern organizations. We are grateful
to participants from the private and public sectors for their contributions. It
is through their generous sharing of the strategies that they have used, the
challenges they have faced, and the guidelines they have developed that this
forum will meet its goals and contribute to the maturation of the CDO's role to:
- Develop strategies that CDOs can use to win executive support
- Define management and technical issues that CDOs should address
- Provide guideliness that help an enterprise adopt the CDO role and disciplines
- Elaborate opportunities for CDOs to engage business units
- Consider guidelines to help CDOs assure their tactical and strategic success
CDO Forum 2013 (By Invitation Only)
- CDO Forum Agenda
- Executive
Committee: Joe Bugajski,
Gartner, Inc.; Thomas E. Kelly, III.
Lockheed Martin; Michael Kirby, CSC;
Yang Lee, Northeastern University;
Stuart Madnick, MIT;
Willa Pickering, Lockheed
Martin; Richard Wang, MIT & Forum Chair
- Driving
Directions to CDO Forum 2013 Venue: MIT Faculty Club
- Hotels nearby CDO Forum 2013 Venue
- Sponsors:
BoaVista Brazil, Gavroshe,
Noetic Partners, SAP, Global IDs
Previous CDO Forums
For questions, please contact
Peter Anlyan, General Chair - MIT CDOIQ
e-mail: anlyan@mit.edu