Initial Submission Specification
The conference includes tracks of practice-oriented papers,
rigorously reviewed research papers, and panel sessions. Each submission must be
identified as one of the following:
- Completed academic paper
- Research-in-progress: The authors need to have an interesting problem
that is clearly motivated and the submission should stand on its own.
The authors are expected to have some preliminary results to report on by
the time of their presentation.
- Practice-oriented paper: A Practice-oriented paper may be submitted as a
research paper (MS Word Submission) or as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint Submission). Note:
Because ICIQ is not a commercial conference, we request that
presentations have NO LOGOS.
- Poster Session: Research-in-progress can be submitted as a research-in-progress paper for inclusion in the proceedings or as a poster session
(abstract only in the proceedings or overview power point slide). Submissions for poster session may be in the form of a short paper or power point slides.
Authors of accepted poster session presentations will be given formats at the time of acceptance.
Post Submissions are those still in the early stage of research/practice, but you believe warrant presenting in the ICIQ conference for feedback and early
- IMPORTANT for Double-Blind review: PLEASE DO NOT include name and affiliation on the cover sheet of the file you upload to
Microsoft Conference Management Tool (CMT) for acceptance/rejection review.
This will ensure that your reviewers will review your submission without bias one way or the other. Because you will not know who your reviewers are as well,
it is referred to as "double-blind". Double-blind review is the gold standard for top-tier conference in the Informaiton Technology field.
Because we now fast-track high-quality papers to ACM JDIQ, in addition to the Madnick Best Paper Award,
it is imperative that you DO NOT include your name and affiliation in the file you upload to CMT.
Math Symbols: Sometimes math symbols don’t convert correctly from
papers to proceedings. If you are using mathematical symbols you may want
to use screenshots so they display correctly.