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Journey to Data Quality (2006)

Yang W. Lee, Leo L. Pipino, James D. Funk, Richard Y. Wang

All organizations today confront data quality problems, both systemic and structural. Neither ad hoc approaches nor fixes at the systems level--installing the latest software or developing an expensive data warehouse--solve the basic problem of bad data quality practices. Journey to Data Quality offers a roadmap that can be used by practitioners, executives, and students for planning and implementing a viable data and information quality management program. This practical guide, based on rigorous research and informed by real-world examples, describes the challenges of data management and provides the principles, strategies, tools, and techniques necessary to meet them.

The authors, all leaders in the data quality field for many years, discuss how to make the economic case for data quality and the importance of getting an organization's leaders on board. They outline different approaches for assessing data, both subjectively (by users) and objectively (using sampling and other techniques). They describe real problems and solutions, including efforts to find the root causes of data quality problems at a healthcare organization and data quality initiatives taken by a large teaching hospital. They address setting company policy on data quality and, finally, they consider future challenges on the journey to data quality. (available at The MIT Press, ICIQ Conference Discount Coupon, also discount at

Introduction to Information Quality (1st ed. 2006)

Craig Fisher, Eitel Lauria, Shobha Chengular-Smith, Richard Wang

Table of Contents [PDF]

This book will educate people about the critical issues in data and information quality that have been plaguing information systems for many years. Researchers have only recently begun to address data quality as a discipline in its own right, and a body of data quality literature has just begun to appear. Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) began a total data quality management program and have hosted ten international conferences on information quality aimed at practitioners, academicians, and researchers. This book is built on two primary sources. After an extensive literature review and study, an importance of data quality knowledge and skills survey was completed by 110 data quality researchers and practitioners, all data quality leaders in their own right, at the International Conference on Information Quality held at MIT. The results of these studies led to a consensus of the most critical skills necessary to begin performing information quality work. An introduction to those critical skills and knowledge areas are the primary topics of this book. The second source is the research into data and information quality of the four authors who collectively have published over 100 articles.

Copies are available at the online Authorhouse Bookstore, through their Channel Book Sales Department hotline at 888.728.8267 Ext. 5022, or by email to

Information Quality (2005)
A special volume in the Advances in Management Information Systems monograph series. 

Editors: Richard Wang, Elizabeth Pierce, Stuart Madnick,  and Craig Fisher

(Available at

Quality Information and Knowledge (1999)

Kuan-Tsae Huang, Yang W. Lee, Richard Y. Wang

Three leaders in intellectual capital management, Dr. Kuan-Tsae Huang, Professor Yang W. Lee, and Professor Richard Y. Wang, show how information can be assessed, evaluated, managed, and promulgated to make your businesses more responsive, efficient, and effective. They illustrate their ideas with real-world examples of companies  that have faced million-dollar losses due to poor data management, as well as industry leaders who have prospered through Total Data Quality Management. (Available at
Data Quality (2001)

Richard Y. Wang, Mostapha Ziad, Yang W. Lee

An expose of research and practice in data quality for technically-oriented researchers, Ph.D candidates and IT professionals. Offers insights into the theoretical areas of data quality and the application of key concepts.
(Available at and Kluwer)

M.I.T. Information Quality Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 U.S.A.

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